If your business is not using YouTube to market your business videos, your business should market your videos on YouTube. Here is an excerpt from our new Amazon #1 best selling book “Fill Your Funnel” https://www.bvsfilmproductions.com/fillyourfunnel explaining just a few reason why YouTube is the “Go to” source to use to market your business videos:
1. Google owns YouTube. What this means to you is that you can take advantage of Google ranking their own videos higher than those on another hosting service.
2. NEW Hash Tags – YouTube recently added the ability to imbed hashtags # into their video titles and descriptions. This is just another way for customers to find you first using keyword hash tags that relate you your industry.
3. There is a simple-to-use video editor that allows you to optimize your videos simply by creating search tags, descriptions and titles in the video once they are uploaded.
4. It’s free: Yes, with a simple registration, you can develop a YouTube/Google plus account that allows you to upload, share, and download as many videos as you like with as many people as you like. There’s even a way to monetize your videos. Monetizing means you authorize the presence of advertisements on your videos in the form of banners and such. Then if you have enough views, they will share the profits with you. However, for the purpose of on-line selling of your own, we suggestion not monetizing your videos so banners will not distract your viewers.
5. Custom Trailers – You can develop a video that acts as a movie trailer – it allows you to offer a preview of your channel’s offerings so viewers. This video will auto-play when a new subscriber visits your channel
6. Custom channel development – Within the YouTube site, you are able to develop separate channels. These might include customer testimonials, product overviews, company profiles or personal brand videos. This allows you to keep all your videos segmented for easy use.
7. Sharing your content – YouTube allows your videos to be shared with a simple link by your viewers and supplies an embedded code so viewers can embed your video into their sites. The more sites that share and use your link, the better your search page rank will be. So it’s a win -win!
To find out more ways to develop and market videos for your company contact us at info@bvsfilmproductions.com or call 440-653-9911

Cleveland video production company

After a recent promotion, the new social media selling book Fill Your Funnel becomes an Amazon #1 Best Seller in two countries in several different categories as well as #2 in the US. Dan Portik, 35-year marketing expert and Tom Hopkins master sales trainer and best-selling author, have unlocked the digital door to lead generation and sales conversion. They will show you how to generate sales through social media with little-to-no face-to-face contact. It can happen. It is happening! Six-figure sales transactions are proof these strategies work. Dan’s innovative digital selling strategies combined with Tom’s time-tested winning sales techniques are reinventing and transforming the on-line selling landscape for sales professionals.
The book, Fill Your Funnel, is the new manual for successful selling strategies in the digital economy and a must read for any sales professional, new or old, who wants to break through traditional barriers to buyers and succeed in the new digital frontier. Fill Your Funnel is available in on line bookstores around the world and has received rave reviews with salespeople everywhere.

best social media book

Best social media book of the year

Fill Your Funnel

Recognized expert in the field of sales training since 1974., Tom has had the good fortune to train over 5 Million students on 5 continents. Industries represented at my trainings vary from financial services, to network marketing, to medical supplies, to funeral services and everything in between. Author of eighteen books, including How to Master the Art of Selling and my latest, When Buyers Say No. My first book, How to Master the Art of Selling, has sold over 1.7 million copies and been translated into ten languages. It is used as a text book in sales and marketing classes and is required reading for new salespeople by sales and management professionals in a wide variety of industries.social media


Dan Portik

Dan Portik Author owner of BVS Film Productions

Dan Portik has over 35 years of corporate sales and sales management experience. He has owned his own businesses for over 35 years and has experience every aspect of developing, promoting and running a profitable marketing/video production agencies. In addition, Mr. Portik has worked with some of the largest companies in the world developing marketing programs and campaigns that have garnered measurable results. Recently Dan has rebranded his main companies under BVS Film Productions and Content Marketing. In addition to a core staff of team leaders, this unique business model utilizes strategic alliances with a network of trusted designers, web developers, video production and content marketing specialists who each possess the highest level of expertise in their area of concentration. This approach offers the highest level of service and results at the most competitive value.
Dan’s most recent endeavor has been a collaboration with world renowned author/sales trainer Tom Hopkins. Dan and Tom have co-authored a book called Fill Your Funnel. In it, Dan combines his unique on-line sales and marketing techniques with Tom’s time tested selling approach to offer a highly effective system to prospect close sales.