As a salesperson marketing on-line, what do you think your most important commodity is? Your intelligence? The way you deal with customers? Or perhaps it’s your attention to detail or the speed of your internet connection? Well, yes those are important. However, one thing stands out beyond all the others.  That is time. Time to a salesperson is more precious than gold! Think ab out it, there is only so much of it in a day and with that in mind, you must use the amount you have with great diligence and care. So, let’s look at an email or on-line message that I get at least once a week. It reads as follows and usually comes from a complete stranger:

Dear Dan,

“I was reading over your profile and would like to invite you to have coffee and get to know each other. How does your schedule look?”

At first glance to the average person, this seems like a nice invitation and they truly sound like they have an interest in what I do. Right? Well, lets unpack this a bit and then let’s decide after we dig into it a bit.

First, remember what I said about time? Well let’s talk about how long it takes to have coffee with someone. One hour? Two hours? And what is that for? Just to see if you can find out if there is a fit with a complete stranger? So, you need to get dress for success, in the car, drive to the location, order your coffee, small talk and then, depending if the other person asks any prequalifying questions correctly then you answer and for what? The chance that something might have something in common enough to do business? Sorry, but that’s like getting on any bus and hoping it takes you to Florida. Your odds of getting where you need to be are slim to none.

So, what is a better approach? How about an email or phone call and ask a handful of prequalifying questions and you very well might be able to save yourself and your prospect hours of wasted time. Now, once you get your prospect prequalified, sure go have coffee.

BVS Film Productions is a full-service video production/marketing company located in Avon, Ohio. Contact us at 440-653-9911 or to find out how we can help your company with it’s video and content marketing needs.