Here are some techniques to discover a budget from a prospect. Have you ever had a conversation with a prospect online that felt reluctant to let you know what their budget was for a project? It happens more than not. Right? In this video Dan Portik 35 year sales executive, best-selling author and owner of Cleveland video production company BVS Film Productions talks about some simple ways to get you and your prospect on the same page so you can close the sale and start serving them with the benefit you and your company have to offer. If you have been frustrated while talking to a customer about budget. You may ask the question: So we can get an estimate to you, do you have a specific budget or range for this project? Only to get an answer like “No we don’t have one.” or “We really haven’t thought about a budget.” The truth of the matter is everyone has a budget. Bill Gates has budgets, Donald Trump has budget and the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos has budget. When you talk to any vendor or go shopping, do you have a budget? Of coarse you do. You may not want to divulge it to your sales person, but there is a number in your head for sure. That said, there is one in your prospect’s head as well. When they email or contact you on line and say “I don’t have a budget” What they are really saying is “I am just not comfortable with you enough to tell you my budget.” or “You look too cheap or too expensive for me to let you know my budget.” With that, the techniques in the above video have worked in the field or us on many occasions.
![Dan Portik](
Dan Portik Best Selling Author owner of BVS Film Productions
Cleveland video production company BVS Film Productions stands out as the leader in high end video production and video content marketing for Northeast Ohio and beyond. From an idea to final production, we offer over 30 years of video/film production and marketing experience assuring your company will receive the absolute finest product guaranteed to garner measurable results. In addition, with experience come the ability to be intuitive. Many of our client know what they want, but don’t know how to say it. We understand, and have seen the often. By doing so, we have developed an intuition that acts as a 6th sense. Our goal, our mission is yours. Developing a straight and simple path to an effective product with the least amount of effort for you the client.
“When we start a project with a customer, we are not just thinking about what kind of lens or lights to use. We think about what their video or video marketing program needs to accomplish and how it can integrate with your current marketing program to achieve maximum results. Or what type of emotions would you like your new video program to instill in your prospects.?” Exclaims Dan Portik Owner/President of BVS Film Productions.
So whether you need a company video, instructional video, tv commercial or an entire video content marketing programs, BVS Film Productions can develop a program that will get measurable results
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