Have you ever received an email from a salesperson after inquiring about a product or service on line that reads as follows: “Thanks for the inquiry and interest. However, that’s not my department. Please call or email here to get to the right person. Thanks and have a great day!” Just remember It’s not my department is always your department as a professional sales person.
Now to some of you, this might be an acceptable answer. But think about it a bit. You the customer are a qualified lead. And qualified leads are like money in the bank right? If someone came up to you in your place of business and handed you a $100 bill and said: Hey this just fell out of your pocket” You aren’t going to say, Thanks so much, could you take it over to lost and found because that is our procedure and it’s not my department to accept that?” are you?. No, you’re going to thank them greatly and take it and this time fold it up and put it in a safer place.
That’s how you should treat your leads for your company whether it’s sent in an email or comes to you by carrier pigeon!
So if someone comes to your organization and says they have an interest in your product or service that my not be in your department, Pick them up and carry them over to it’s final resting place. Which is the right person that can benefit the customer. You not only will help them, but also plant a seed with the other person in your organization that is doing the same thing you are, prospecting for leads. Then maybe the next time that person gets a lead in your department, they just might remember who send the lead the last time to them!
The information from this blog comes from the new social media selling book Fill Your Funnel.
About the book Fill Your Funnel

Best social media selling book.
In sales, filling a sales pipeline with qualified leads is the magic behind predictable income and massive commission checks. In Fill Your Funnel, get step-by-step instructions on using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to generate qualified leads and fill your sales funnel.
Learn what experts Tom Hopkins and Dan Portik know about social media strategies to generate leads. This book contains social media posts and email templates from successful campaigns to show you how to set up an effective social media campaign that drives conversions.
If you’re striving to become successful in sales, this book contains the resources you are seeking. Learn how to:
- create an attractive online presence for professionals,
- navigate the differences between Instagram and LinkedIn,
- build social media profiles for salespeople,
- effectively prospect in LinkedIn Groups,
- send posts at the most opportune times,
- format a video post, and
- create social media follow-up templates.
Social media selling doesn’t need to be hard, if you know the system. By following the system in Fill Your Funnel, you will be set up for an amazing year.
More about Dan Portik co-author of the new social media selling book Fill Your funnel

Dan Portik Author owner of BVS Film Productions and co-author of Fill Your Funnel
Dan Portik has over 35 years of corporate sales and sales management experience. He has owned his own businesses for over 35 years and has experience every aspect of developing, promoting and running a profitable marketing/video production agencies. In addition, Mr. Portik has worked with some of the largest companies in the world developing marketing programs and campaigns that have garnered measurable results. Recently Dan has rebranded his main companies under BVS Film Productions and Content Marketing. In addition to a core staff of team leaders, this unique business model utilizes strategic alliances with a network of trusted designers, web developers, video production and content marketing specialists who each possess the highest level of expertise in their area of concentration. This approach offers the highest level of service and results at the most competitive value.
Dan’s most recent endeavor has been a collaboration with world renowned author/sales trainer Tom Hopkins. Dan and Tom have co-authored a book called Fill Your Funnel. In it, Dan combines his unique on-line sales and marketing techniques with Tom’s time tested selling approach to offer a highly effective system to prospect close sales.
More about Tom Hopkins co-author of the new social media selling book Fill Your Funnel

Legendary master sales trainer and best-selling author and co-author of Fill Your Funnel Tom Hopkins
Tom Hopkins is chairman and founder of the renowned sales-training organization Tom Hopkins International. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of the national bestseller How to Master the Art of Selling. Today more than thirty-five thousand corporations and millions of professional salespeople throughout the world use his professional sales-training materials.