Another advantage to marketing with video is that a video prequalifies your prospects before you do whether you know it or not. How so? Well, think about it, when a prospect watches your video online, if you do it right, they will know everything about you. What markets you service, possibly what your pricing is, the value of what you do, where you may do business and more. If a prospect doesn’t fit within your selling parameters after watching your video, there is a good chance they will make the prequalifying decision for you by not contacting you. However, on the other side of that coin, if after they see your video, you check all their boxes, you are in. They now know almost everything about you, who you are and what you do. And if you do your homework right, you will even have some testimonials from other happy customers and that will just be icing on the cake! “We can listen to ourselves all day long talking about our product or service. However, when someone else does it, you reach a different level of influence.” exclaims Dan Portik Owner and President of Cleveland video production company BVS Film Productions.

The above are samples of customer testimonial video that work. For more information on how we can help your company with its video marketing needs, contact or 440-653-9911

Cleveland Video production company

Cleveland video production company BVS Film Productions

Dan Portik

Amazon #1 Best Selling Author in 2 countries.